Eyecare Technology
We continually study and apply the best eye care technology so our doctors can provide the best care for your vision and overall health. See some of the technologies we use at Antelope Mall Vision Center.
Optos Daytona 3D Retinal Imaging
Daytona’s exclusive Virtual Point™ technology provides an unmatched 200 degree view of the retina in one panoramic image. The Optos retinal mapping system captures an unparalleled image of the inside of your eye so that our doctors can better understand the current health of your eyes and track changes that may occur over time as your eye health and body’s overall changes.
Comparison of standard retinal cameras and Optos ultra-wide imaging

Retinal Photography
Retinal photography aids in early diagnosis and tracking of retinal and systemic diseases. Retinal photography is recommended for people with diseases such as diabetes, hypertension or a family history of glaucoma. These diseases can affect the retina before they affect your vision, so it is imperative to look for early signs or changes in the eye. At the Antelope Mall Vision Center we use the Canon CR-1 Mark II Digital Retinal Camera. This is a state-of-the-art digital eye imaging technology with dramatically reduced flash brightness, improved overall comfort and a brief exam time.

Humphrey FDT® Perimeter Visual Fields (peripheral vision screening)
At the Antelope Mall Vision Center we use the Humphrey FDT for visual field screening provided with every exam. This new frequency doubling technology provides a very fast and clinically verified means of detecting early visual field loss. It is especially helpful in detecting glaucoma but may also detect other neurological disorders.

Humphrey-Zeiss HFA Advanced Visual Fields Analyzer
For more advanced visual fields we use the Humphrey-Zeiss HFA visual field analyzer. Our screening visual fields or other findings during the exam may dictate the need for advanced visual fields to more accurately diagnose problems with peripheral vision. Validated by decades of research and clinical experience, the Humphry-Zeiss HFA is the “gold standard” for advanced visual field testing.

Non Contact Tononmeter (eye pressure)
As part of your glaucoma screening at the Antelope Mall Vision Center we use the fast and simple non-contact tonometer to check your eye pressures. Our screening device is designed to give one of the gentlest puffs in a tonometer.
If your pressures are high we will use the ‘gold standard’ Goldmann Tonometer to very accurately check pressures in your eyes.

A pachometer is used to measure corneal (the clear dome of the eye) thickness. We measure corneal thickness for several reasons, the main being:
- For LASIK candidates – to see if you have enough tissue for a safe outcome.
- If your eye pressure in your eye is too high (for the glaucoma screening) we may measure the corneal thickness. This can help us in your glaucoma workup. A thin cornea has a higher risk for glaucoma and will measure artificially low pressures. Conversely, a thick cornea will have pressures that read artificially high.
At the Antelope Mall Vision Center we use the Songage Pachometer. This instrument takes over a thousand measurements a second and has a resolution 2.5 times greater than other pachometers.

Topcon Auto Refractor
We use the Topcon KR-1 Auto Refractor to measure your eye curvature before your exam with the doctor. This advanced technology uses precise digital measurement of light entering each eye and how light changes or refracts as it passes your eye’s lens. The result for you is an objective or unbiased measurement for guiding prescriptions for eyeglasses or contacts.

Optical Coherence Tomography
Glaucoma is a disease that causes slow permanent loss of the optic nerve fibers and is one of the leading causes of blindness in the country.
We offer state-of-the-art glaucoma and retinal examinations and health assessments and utilize our advanced technology OCT. This provides our doctors with valuable information to help identify early signs of eye disease.

On Site Ophthalmic Lens Finishing Lab
At our state of the art finishing lab we can make most single vision prescriptions the same day for those unforeseen emergencies. Available most days, please call in advance for availability.